Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
11.08.2019 (1943 days ago)

Suspended Aggravation

Suspended Aggravation
1943 days ago 34 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Last weekend we went for lunch in Huntington and when the check came the server explain that the Internet was down and asked me to write my phone number and credit card info on the check. I did so and in all the unusual hurly-burly I forgot to take back my credit card. This is one of the most annoying things I do. It is a failure of concentration which plagues me about once a year.  I hate it!

On the way home we stopped in nearby Cold Spring Harbor for fancy coffee and a delish warmed chocolate croissant, which I always look forward to. However, when I went to pay I discovered that my credit card was missing and I immediately flashed back to the hurly burly at the restaurant. My first impulse was to rush back to reclaim it at the restaurant, but I was pleasantly surprised to find myself in a state of suspended aggravation.

Suspended animation? That too, as my angst side tracked and I allowed myself to savor the coffee and as I wolfed down the delicious croissant.

All‘s well that ends well, as my credit card was recovered on the double back and I realized that I had experienced a new and unique state of bliss, which I coined Suspended Aggravation!

Suspended Aggravation... Think of it, If I could bottle it, I could make millions!

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