Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
04.03.2022 (1075 days ago)


1075 days ago 14 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:north bellerose civic associatio

As the year was ending some board members of my civic association suggested we survey the community to discern the awareness of the civic association and the learn the concerns of community members.  We met and developed a survey draft and cover letter.   We printed the copies at Minuteman Bellerose  (Thank you Scott Levine and Fred Morante.)  We called for several volunteers who agreed to distribute the survey last month door to door.  I've already received a number of responses back via email, fax and mail.  It looks like we will pick up some active members to help with our deliberations.  Some people share specific issues concerning traffic, others expressed concern about crime.  Many indicated living 50 or more years in the community; others less so.  We have a zoom meeting scheduled this week and I hope to meet see some new faces never involved before.  I was not sure it made sense to try this method to get more people active.  But the early returns suggest it's working.  And this is without yet checking the results of a community drop-off location.  Nice to know made of my neighbors care about where they live.

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