11.23.2020 (1518 days ago)

Supporting Small Businesses

Supporting Small Businesses
1518 days ago 17 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last weekend, my husband and I drove upstate to Cold Spring, New York. It is a place I have heard about and always wanted to visit.


Cold Spring was, as expected, a cute picturesque town. We walked on Main Street which led us down to the Hudson River. While we had a nice day one impression stayed with me, the number of closed stores and restaurants lining Main Street. As with many small towns, Covid has left a devastating economic impact on Cold Spring.


I purposely bought a few chachkas in the stores before leaving. I then renewed my resolve to try to help, in my own small way, other small businesses. I ordered some wine online, to give as holiday gifts, from a small vineyard in the Finger Lakes we had visited in October. I also wrote a highly favorable review on TripAdvisor for the vineyard and other small businesses that we have visited that could use an online boost.



Instead of shopping online at Sephora for make-up I needed, I contacted a local make-up artist who also sells make-up. I have been purposely picking up lunch salads on my way to work, at least once a week, from a small business, Brown Bag Express, that opened near me in the midst of the pandemic. And, if we go out to eat, it has primarily been at small local restaurants.


This what I have been trying to do to help local, and some not local, small businesses. What about you?


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