10.23.2024 (123 days ago)


123 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

For as long as I can remember, I have always been somewhat obsessive compulsive. Mix it with some superstition and it can make for some stress in my life and may be partially why I have high blood pressure. This is something I am keenly aware of yet, no matter how hard I try, I can’t quite stop it completely.

When I get back from a trip (nearly monthly to NY), I must unpack and put everything I took, away. My laundry goes in the hamper, the unworn clothes go back in the closet and my luggage is put away. I can’t even think of going to bed before this is done, not matter the time of night I may get home.

More recently, this manifested itself with my baseball team, the NY Mets. As of the time of this writing, they were on their way to greatness. But no matter how much I want to watch the games; I find myself superstitiously turning the game off. During the regular reason, it is rare to catch a game as they are not broadcast down by me in Florida. But the playoffs are. I will put a game on, and bad things start to happen. I turn it off, and Magically the Mets make an Amazing comeback. I put it on again to catch the end and within moments, the other team makes a last-minute surge against us. So, I reluctantly turn it off. My wife sits there with me sometimes and will even yell at me to turn the game off, as it will be “my fault” if they lose. So, my superstition is reinforced. I am forced to eye the scores on my phone as the innings pass by.

By the time this gets posted, their destiny to make it to the big game series (I can’t even write it) or not, will likely be written. Dare I watch any of this historical run potentially happen?

Edit: As we all know, the Magical Mets did not make it to the World Series. The dream of a Subway series will have to wait, likely many years, if history is accurate. Is it time to stop my superstitions? Likely not…

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