02.10.2013 (4407 days ago)


4407 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I had a laser procedure on my eye last week. My son asked me afterwards if I had Superman vision. You would think he is seven or eight. He is twenty three.  Boys will be boys.

Naturally as a little boy I always wanted to be Superman. I would put on my long pajamas and then slip over them a pair of underwear. I didn't have red ones like the real Superman, I had to settle for white.  Then I put on long socks, also white, and a belt.  The best was my cape. I used a long bath towel tied around my neck. And with that I was Superman, jumping off my parents bed. The home made costume didn't seem to give me powers though.

I also liked to pretend I was an astronaut. I would lie on my  bedroom floor with my legs raised and resting on my bed pretending I was taking off.   That was not as much fun as being Superman though.

Boys will surely be boys.

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