Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
02.01.2013 (4380 days ago)

Sunrise and Sunsets

Sunrise and Sunsets
4380 days ago 13 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

As many who know me have experienced, I am addicted to photography (it is amazing how fine the "in the moment" Blackberry snap shots can be). Most of all, I am hooked on shots of sunrise and sunsets.

No doubt, the celebration and lamentation of the sun's eternal rise and fall is embedded in our primeval DNA. We are wired to worship the sun, the source of life and nature.

If you are my facebook friend you may have over dosed last week on my daily Key West sunset shots. Truth be told, each day I thought "enough already" and then it faded down in the West and created another, one of a kind, magnificent and irresistibly vivid water color painting and I was compelled to post still another captured moment of beauty. (some of them are attached hereto).

Life and the human experience can be so basic, simple and glorious.

So this is my humble salutation to the sun!

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