10.22.2018 (2317 days ago)

Sunday Dinner

Sunday Dinner
2317 days ago 4 comments Categories: Movies Tags:

It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m watching my husband prepare meat and fish for a bar-b-que. All four of our children are coming for dinner with their significant others.


When the kids were young, Sunday dinner was always a must; whether we were cooking dinner or bringing in food. No matter what the kids had to do, reports, homework etc., it all had to be put away for Sunday dinner. In a house with four kids and four different schedules, Sunday dinner was the time that we could all take a moment from our hectic schedules, relax, and be together.


Even as adults, with their own lives, it’s so nice to see that our Sunday dinner tradition has continued. Of course, it’s not happening every Sunday, but we do see them, at least, once a month. And when they have families of their own, I suspect, that they will continue our Sunday dinner tradition. Maybe they’ll even cook for us!!


Is Sunday dinner a tradition for you?


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