06.29.2022 (971 days ago)

Summer Movies!

Summer Movies!
971 days ago 11 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

School’s out and the studios start rolling out the movies that they hope will grab our attention. But, with streaming so available, will people still head out to the theaters?  “Top Gun Maverick”, “Jurassic World Dominion”, “Lightyear”, and “Elvis” are battling for our attention and dollars.  So far, Tom Cruise has delivered big numbers and lots of attention. “Jurassic” and “Lightyear” have been disappointments. And, “Elvis” has just opened this past weekend.


I am very interested in seeing “Elvis” and a friend in Los Angeles just told me that the movie is fantastic on many levels.  I will see it soon and devote a blog to the experience.  I will see “Top Gun Maverick” in the coming weeks and will report on it as well.


Looking back at summer movies, “Jaws” always takes first place as the most influential and the one that is impossible to forget!  I will always remember the “Graduate” from the summer of 1967 as my all time favorite summer movie.  The movie had and still has everything that a great summer movie needs.  It was very funny but had a serious message, too.  It had real romance and a surprising sexual situation.  The movie’s music and the California look of the 1960’s was just right.  Anytime, the “Graduate” comes on television it is impossible for me not to watch it.


What is your favorite summer movie? And, will you see any of the big 4 new releases this summer?

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