01.24.2022 (1127 days ago)

Sugary Memories

Sugary Memories
1127 days ago 8 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

I recently purchased a new “healthy” cereal. It depicts itself as healthy as it purports to be keto friendly, low in sugar, and high in protein. In reading the box I was intrigued to read, “Do you ever wonder why you grew up but your cereal didn’t?”


That question brought me straight back to childhood. My brother, sister, and I would often to come down for breakfast to find bowls and spoons at our places. On the table would be several boxes of cereal, most often the sugared variety of cereal.


We each had our favorites. My favorite was Apple Jacks with Frosted Flakes a strong second. My sister preferred Coco Puffs and my brother’s favorite was Captain Crunch. The three of us never complained about having cereal for breakfast.


As an adult, I obviously came to learn how high in sugar these cereals were and did not buy them for my children. Although my mother and father continued the tradition, for my children, when we would visit them in Florida. My mother would buy the mini boxes which my children would delight in not only the sugary treat but the chance to open the small boxes up on it’s side and eat straight out of the box. For the week we were in Florida I let my rules slide and let my daughters enjoy the cereal.


Were you raised on cereal? What was your favorite?

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