06.18.2015 (3553 days ago)


3553 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Flo's mom passed away last week. I liked Sue, and I think she liked me about as much as she liked anyone who wasn't directly related to her by blood. Sometimes it was hard to tell, because Sue suffered from Alzheimer's for most of the years that I knew her.
Sue was a private person. Her family was IT -- the beginning and the end. If you were let in, you were blessed, if you weren't, you had to deal with it.
If it is true that “what goes around, comes around”, Sue must have given a lot. In the last years of her life, she received a tremendous amount -- from her husband (who predeceased her seven years ago) and from her children.
So, when I want to know the Sue who I never had the opportunity to know, I look at my wife and my brothers-in-law. They are, in large part, what Sue made them.

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