Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.06.2014 (3935 days ago)

Sucker For a Sale

Sucker For a Sale
3935 days ago 10 comments Categories: Blogging for Money Tags:

Despite any prosperity I may have earned and enjoy, I have never evolved from my "On Sale" mentality.

Said another way, I am a sucker for a "Sale" (I use quotes because the term is elusive and difficult to define, as discussed later).

If and when I enter a store I am gravitationally pulled to the "Sale" or, better still,"Clearance" racks. And when I discover an unappreciated, discounted treasure I look to buy it in doubles.

Post Christmas is high shopping season for me. A tip, always ask the clerk when the next sale is or whether he or she has any sales coupons behind the register.

Who knows the science of discounting or price dropping?  Is it bait and switch- inflate and then discount gambit, so the fevered sucker thinks he is getting a break?  I don't know, but they've got me hooked.

Some say Thrift shops and The Salvation Army are more honest, but they could be the subject of another blog.

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Posted By : hydrajet