Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
04.20.2016 (3232 days ago)

Successful People

Successful People
3232 days ago 6 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:Success, Rowling, De Chardin, Friars, Laboulaye

in the last two days, I ran into Christian Slater, the actor, at Duane Reade and Luis D. Ortiz, of Million Dollar Listing, at the World Financial Center. It always cheers me up to see these "celebrities", when I'm out and about in the Greatest City in the World, New York City. I think its because these successful people are out and about on the streets, it means that there is success here for me too.

Thats why Gotham is so great. Hanging out with successful people; exchanging ideas, thoughts, recipes. The opportunity to see your behavior, to raise your self awareness is right in front of you all the time.

De Chardin Quote


The idea for the Statue of Liberty came to Monsieur Edouard Laboulaye at a dinner party. Here's to interesting dinners and lunches with people who have great ideas. Often at the Friar's Club.

Its Primary Day as I write this. I found it very refreshing to have to really think about my choice. Who has the biggest ideas? And can carry them out?

“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

- J. K. Rowling, Harry potter and The Chamber of Secrets

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