Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
08.18.2017 (2758 days ago)

Subway Series Sweep

Subway Series Sweep
2758 days ago 17 comments Categories: Games Tags:

After winning the first 3 games of the 4 game "Subway Series" against the cross town Mets at Yankee Stadium and  Citi Field Wednesday night, the rubber game was last night on the Mets home field. 

Gotham was represented by 200 members, family and friends due to the stalwart ticket acquisition and organization by Corey (Met fan) Bearak.

Attending a Subway Series game has become a most enjoyable annual Gotham outing and tradition. 

Joining me were my wife, sons and most of their families, plus almost all of my law firm and their guests. 

For the record, Gotham seems to be equally divided as to team allegiance.  For example, I am a Yankee fan and my boys and grandsons root for the Mets.

Wednesday night's 5-3 Yankee win was highlighted by one of the longest ever, upper deck, home runs by my favorite Bronx Bomber (Yankee), 6'7" gentle giant Aaron Judge who produced far less last night. 

Last night my Yanks went for the 4 game sweep at Citi Field in front of greater Gotham and squeaked by with a 7-5 win to achieve it.  

Sorry to say Met fans, fun is more fun when you win and It's great to be young and a Bomber (fan)!

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Posted By : hydrajet