I have been taking the subway to work for 50 years and have had many experiences, both good and bad, in my travels.
However, last week I had a poignant, unique under ground experience as I entered a crowded car on the way into work. As I entered a younger man gestured to me and offered to give me his seat.
Despite the fact that it was unexpected and unsolicited, I did not hesitate or waiver. I surprised myself by accepting the seat.
Afterwards as I mulled the shocking experience over I pondered why he offered it up. Do I look old? Do I look tired? Did I look like I was in need? Maybe I was just having a bad day. However, this week the novel experience repeated itself as a young woman made the gesture.
I discussed it with Joanne and she advised that I pull back my shoulders and stand up straight.
P.S. I did not accept the woman's seat. Maybe that's progress...