Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
02.24.2023 (750 days ago)

Strangest Situation?

Strangest Situation?
750 days ago 21 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My granddaughter sends me a weekly question and my responses are accumulated until year end. Then they are bound in a volume for the purpose of memorializing Family History.  


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The question this past Monday was: What is one of the strangest things that ever happened to you?

I responded as follows: l was at the 1984 Olympics in LA spectating at the Coliseum. Between events, I decided to wander around in the stands and people watch the worldwide crowd. And, glory be, I came face to face with my doppelgänger. He was my mirror image in every way: facially, body type and complexion.  

The only problems were he didn't speak English and I didn't have a camera. So we just stood and stared at each other and marveled. 

Eventually we moved on from the strangest encounter I ever experienced.  

And you?

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First, I cannot believe there is anyone as good looking as you. There must have been some differences!

For me it was when I was young and living in Oceanside. My mom was in a store and I was just walking around and a car pulled up and the young man driving asked me a question. As I was answering he forced me into the car and said don’t worry, I only needed to deliver a paper for him and he’d let me go. Luckily at a red light about a mile from where he grabbed me, I was able to get out of the car. It is an event that has been relived in dreams even 55 years later.

I have had many strange events in my life, but that takes the cake!

Posted By : Lonny