Nancy Schess
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01.21.2013 (4431 days ago)

Story Week Part 3: Johnny and Pauline

Story Week Part 3: Johnny and Pauline
4431 days ago 13 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

For what seemed like hours, but was only seconds, Johnny paused to remember those early, happy days with Pauline so many years ago.    They had met when they were children, probably no more than 12 years old.   Funny, they were the exact same age and shared the same birthday.

Pauline lived just down the street from Johnny and Earl.  An only child, she was immediately drawn to the closeness of the brothers' relationship and just liked to hang around.  When Johnny and Earl played ball in the street, Pauline cheered them on.  When their mother sent them to the store to pick up groceries with the few dollars their father had saved from his paycheck that week, Pauline tagged along.  She didn't have much of a home life, only a mother and she wasn't around very much. 

Pauline was a constant at Johnny and Earl's house.  Their parents didn't mind very much.  They liked Pauline.  She was smart and helpful.   And, everyone who met her even as a child recognized that Pauline was, and was going to be, a striking beauty.

At night when it was time to go to sleep, Johnny and Earl would talk about which one of them would marry Pauline.  They could negotiate back and forth for hours to hold the "first in line" spot, both knowing that in the end, neither of them could make the decision that rested only with Pauline.

On June 22, Pauline and Johnny both turned eighteen.  They had talked for weeks about how to celebrate, and secretly, whether to invite Earl.   

"How about heading downtown? We could walk around Central Park?", Pauline asked Johnny. 

Even then, Johnny had different ideas. 

"Boring", he declared.  "How about heading to El Morocco?  Great club.  We could have a few drinks, dance.  Besides, I know a few of the people there," he said, nudging a little closer to her and speaking just above a whisper.  "They would take care of us."

Pauline was skeptical.  She had never been to El Morocco, or to any club for that matter.   Until her 18th birthday, Pauline had largely refrained from stepping out of line.  But, with Johnny's encouragement, it was possible that she was just about ready to take her first step.  

Johnny kept at her to say, "yes" and finally, on the night before their birthday, Pauline relented.  Johnny could be very persuasive.

On the evening of their eighteenth birthdays, Johnny and Pauline headed over to El Morocco.  As if a premonition of things to come, it was dark that night.  A storm was approaching and the rain started just as they were leaving Johnny's apartment.   They were both enjoying walking in the rain -- and having the chance to be by themselves without Earl.

But, when they walked into the club, both shaking rain from their hair, things changed.  It was quickly obvious to Pauline that Johnny had been here before.  He was way too well known.  He even knew the owner of the club, a young good looking man named Moe Schneider.    Moe saw Johnny and Pauline walk in the door and made a line straight for them.   Moe had a wide, welcoming smile, wore an expensive suit and was clearly taken with Pauline.

"Well, Johnny," Moe smiled, "who have you brought to meet me tonight?"

Johnny's heart sank and he knew immediately that this had been a bad idea.

"Hey Moe, this is my friend, Pauline," Johnny said, trying to place his emphasis squarely on the word "my".  But, either it failed or Moe didn't care because before Johnny knew it, Pauline was on Moe's arm being escorted to his private room -- while Johnny tagged along. 

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