Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
07.17.2016 (3157 days ago)

Stories We Could Tell

Stories We Could Tell
3157 days ago 5 comments Categories: Music Tags:MacBook, IPhone, Tom Petty, John Sebastian, Tarzana Kid, Vinyl, Music

John Sebastian wrote this catchy tune, “Stories We Could Tell,” found on his Tarzana Kid LP that not enough people own; more recently Tom Petty covered it.


The core chorus goes,


Yes, I wish that we could sit back on a bed in some hotel

And listen to the stories we could tell


Most who know me know my love of music and fondness for a certain genre.


It shows on what I wear under dress shirts each day and on what I wear to the pool and the gym for basketball.


It shows on my desktop on my MacBook and iPhone, and even my twitter homepage.


Certain song lyrics and titles find their way into my work.


Lyrics from one song found its way into a news release about protecting the quality of drinking water.


Between laps at the pool this weekend I chatted with a fellow music aficionado who also dabbles in community theatre; Sam lamented the cancellation of the HBO series Vinyl; I mention my lack of interest; I mused the story lines of the 80s offered nothing to capture the public's fancy.


I later texted my daughter on the other coast that the stories I know about some of the icons of the late 60s and early 70s offer an interesting basis for rock-oriented stories.  Perhaps a series.  Proverbial ball placed in her court.


For me they represent magical moments that brought together or reunited some talented artists who made (and still make) great music.


It surprises me that no movies or biopics covered these subjects.


Essentially the stuff of everyday life.  Do you have or know stories that might provide fodder for a series or film or some literary work?



Not asking you to spill any beans but certainly you can offer a taste if you wish.

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