Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.28.2018 (2358 days ago)

Stir Fried

Stir Fried
2358 days ago 34 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

I admit that I go on Facebook, Twitter, and the Gotham Politics listserve in an effort to stir things up and engender intelligent discourse on topics of the day.

However, in my opinion, I have failed as more and more, as the days go by, some of the responses are too much, characterized by extreme self serving smug certitude.

Some have told me they no longer participate because they feel they’re being bullied and subject to abuse.

Which ever side you’re on and whatever your opinion, it was not my intention to provide such an open platform.

Can’t we just get along?

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