Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
04.28.2015 (3604 days ago)

Still Cranky After All This Time

Still Cranky After All This Time
3604 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last week I was cranky (See last week’s blog post). I am still cranky.  My son shared his flulike cold with me.  Some things are not meant to be shared.

I went back to work yesterday with some coughing and sneezing still going on.  Shortly after getting seated on the LIRR, I had a profound realization. I was that person other commuters do whatever they can to avoid.  You know what I am talking about. The one who you worry is going to share their germs, whether unintentionally or not.  Seriously, as commuters paused in the aisle then kept moving, I realized that the empty seat next to me was probably the only empty seat in the car.


I think I am going to try some of your suggestions from last week for relieving this cranky mood.

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