Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
08.07.2020 (1675 days ago)

Stay at Home Chores

Stay at Home Chores
1675 days ago 28 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

During our past reality, when I came home from a “Hard Days Work” Joanne would greet me with “How was your day?”, serve a great supper and ask for little help with the “House Wife” work.

Now that we are mostly marooned at home the equation has shifted drastically.

To say the least, since the onset of the pandemic, I have undergone significant change.  For example, I have cleaned my first bathrooms.

To say I was spoiled is an understatement.  To say that circumstances have forced me  to become domesticated is harsh reality.

I have taken to it like a wild Bronco!

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Posted By : Janet Oseroff