Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
09.03.2017 (2742 days ago)

Starting over, sort of

Starting over, sort of
2742 days ago 3 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

It was not quite going on the disabled list. But when the device I relied on for some 24 months went dark, it unnerved some. After all the following week would be busy. At the time, 11 days were left in a Primary re-election race I am guiding for a friend who serves with distinction and great energy in public office. I had my iPhone and iPad but I really rely on my Mac. My wife suggested I have two devices; something I need to think about now.

In the meantime I work from a brand new device while formerly old reliable gets repaired or assessed for same; either it comes back almost brand new or what I type from to share this blog becomes the replacement (since the coverage so provides). One will see.

When my all knowing son who remains my trusted guide on all things technology reviewed the work sheet for the repair, he shared a diagnosis that leads me to believe just about everything will need to be made new except the shell (case or cover) of the device.

In the mean time I need to get used to a machine with only two ports and a need for adapters to make USB connections (got that) and connect external monitors I keep in my office and the campaign office (and still another one awaiting placement in almost complete brand new union hall designed by Gotham’s own and my fellow Networker of the Year and co-chair with me of GOtham GREEN® (it meets for lunch this week) Josh Zinder).

The backup recommended by son allowed me to “restore” my apps and data to my new (“temporary”?) machine; it probably saved me many days by others’ estimates.

All I know, I can start my day, without worry (I think).

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