Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
09.14.2021 (1272 days ago)

Starting Anew

Starting Anew
1272 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

This time of year brings me back to that wonderful sense of starting anew.  I can reach back and touch the feeling of the first day of school, brand new school supplies and of course, that first day of school outfit.   I’m not sure whether my memories of kindergarten are really vivid, or my memories of my parents home movies of me in kindergarten are that vivid. 


There was always something special and fresh about starting the school year, almost like the opportunity to start over again and recreate the world.   I was one of those kids that really enjoyed school so by the end of the summer, I was ready.  Friends, fun and a little learning mixed in. 


All of this reminiscing makes me long for new school supplies.  I think I am going to buy a new notebook and some pens.


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