01.03.2016 (3339 days ago)

Star Wars

Star Wars
3339 days ago 8 comments Categories: Movies Tags:

Star Wars is back! And who would not go see it? We did, of course.


We took Eve's father. He had not seen any of the Star Wars movies, which I find incomprehensible. I think he is the only person I ever met who has not. Of all movies of all time, Star War and the Godfather are must sees by my calculation, just because they are really good and have to appeal to everybody. Eve's father did not really know what was going on, he said, which is understandable if you have not seen any of the previous six episodes, and was not sure who were the good guys and who were the bad guys (the bad guys have helmets and masks and usually wear black), but he enjoyed it.


When the movie started and the words "STAR WARS" flashed on the big screen, the theatre burst out in applause. It rekindled something good about our past. It reminded us that we have heros, and that they are good and worth cheering for.


I look forward to the next one. Until then, may the force be with you.


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