Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
05.07.2021 (1408 days ago)


1408 days ago 23 comments Categories: Health Tags:

If you have been vaccinated, I believe you are on the right track.

What’s more, once vaccinated you receive a proof of vaccination card and it’s a keeper, as you may need it for various purposes. As such, you need to maintain it in decipherable condition and what better way than lamination.

I pondered where can I get my vaccination card laminated and Staples popped to mind. So I called them to inquire and they said yes and what’s more “It’s free”!

A (for sure) brilliant stroke of marketing!

Soon we were at Staples and it was done. Then another pleasant surprise: they gave us discount certificates!

For me, the perfect sale: Free plus Discount!


Well, the rest was inevitable, we got $10 off for lots of stuff we really didn’t need :)

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