Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.26.2014 (3728 days ago)

St. Formica

St. Formica
3728 days ago 11 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

If you ever had the pleasure of being with Bob Formica you can understand why I give him the appellation St. Formica. In my experience, he comes closest to being as I imagine a Saint would be.

He was kind, caring, giving, humble, funny, smart, loyal, good natured, unique, empathetic, thoughtful, naughty, fatherly and sweet.

It was for these and other reasons that do not come quickly to mind that we honored him in 2007 as Gotham's Networker of the Decade and memorialize him annually at the Bob Formica Golf Outing.

He was my banker and fellow Friar, but most of all my dear friend.

This blog is to both honor his memory and allow for an opportunity to display us together in the above photo of us sharing a holiday good time.

I miss you Bob. You were the best!

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