Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.26.2018 (2330 days ago)


2330 days ago 18 comments Categories: Games Tags:

One of Gotham’s many theme base list serves is Sportstalk (inspired by Ben Geizhals before a long ago Giants Super Bowl).  The concept is for sports fans to discuss sports without clogging up Fredslist.  You need not be a Gotham member and just need to ask us to put you on the list and then email to to join the conversation.

Sports are one of my great interests, both participating (the Batmen softball team won its second consecutive Championship recently) and rooting.

However, inasmuch as I am a diehard Yankee and Football Giants fan, I’m dying right now and it’s hard.

The Yanks lost to the Boston Red Sox (I left the 16-1 debacle in the 4th inning, the earliest in my long fandom) in the recent Playoffs and the Bosox are in the World Series (first time against the Dodgers in 102 years. See above picture.)

The Giants are worse.  After Monday night’s loss they are 1-6 with no chance to salvage their season or 37 year old Eli Manning’s Giant pro football career.

The World Series opened Tuesday night and the only thing left is to decide between the Bosox and Dodgers.

As Dodger fans once cried: Wait till next year!

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