Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.20.2024 (176 days ago)


176 days ago 28 comments Categories: Games Tags:

Sports are considered a positive distraction from the highs and lows of everyday life. 

In my youth I played them all with soccer and baseball standing out. In my middle years it was softball and running.  

I'm proud to say I finished 33 marathons, qualified for the Boston Marathon at the age of 40 (3:09 then, 3:05 now) and pitched the Gotham Batmen to a Softball Championship with my son and grandson as teammates.  

I have also successfully coached Little League Baseball and girls cross country
and track.  

Just like life, I have experienced sports related highs and lows too, but at present, as a fan, sports may have become too much.  

Fan is an abbreviation for "Fanatic" and that's what I am over the Yankees and more specifically their Captain, Aaron Judge, who wears number 99.  

99 is having one of the very best seasons in Baseball history and yet my tension is palpable during his every at bat.  

I have even drawn my wife into my obsession and she, probably rightly, says she can't wait for season's end. 

To be continued...

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Hi Fred,
I always knew how brilliant you are, but I never knew how great of an athlete you are.
I am full of admiration for you.

Posted By : Zafra Lerman

We have several things in common Fred. I too am obsessed with the Yanks and especially Aaron Judge.
I played volleyball, field hockey, was captain of our basketball team, tennis team and softball team in high school. And then came a very different life for some time. But I managed to play basketball again in my long white Dominican garb on our faculty team against the students where I taught. Later in life it was golf and have been lucky enough to have played some of the best courses around the world. Best however in all these sports were the team mates and friends that I have made. And now a new sport with you and Joann…the sport of talking and telling all our life stories and memories on our porches in Key West every winter!! Thanks

Posted By : Bsrb

Although I have no sport I excel in living in Chicago there are teams that are obsessively followed. Most FANatics in anything are so because they get pleasure in the win, the delight in being part of the joy, the vicarious thrill. The tension occurs at the uncertainty. In our house it’s the college team, UofM, that is the obsession. As for me I love the ballet of basketball.

Posted By : marilyn l price

Although I have no sport I excel in living in Chicago there are teams that are obsessively followed. Most FANatics in anything are so because they get pleasure in the win, the delight in being part of the joy, the vicarious thrill. The tension occurs at the uncertainty. In our house it’s the college team, UofM, that is the obsession. As for me I love the ballet of basketball.

Posted By : marilyn l price