Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
11.02.2021 (1223 days ago)

Spooky Halloween

Spooky Halloween
1223 days ago 8 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

Years past, I scheduled the day off every Halloween.  Trick-or-treating was always a highlight. Our neighborhood used to swarm with kids and we loved being part of the swarm.


I remember Jaclyn’s first Halloween.  We literally had to teach her how to trick-or treat.  She thought the idea was that after collecting candy from a house, she was supposed to sit and the stoop and partake.  After we did that for a few houses, we knew a lesson was in order.


How times have changed.  Our neighborhood is now swarming with a new generation of kids.   Rather than being part of the swarm, we are now on the other side of the basket of candy having way too much fun with the ghosts, goblins, princesses, Baby Shark, scarecrow, pirates and more. 


We still have spooky Halloween decorations that come out every year.  The bloody arm still makes me jump. Those decorations are back on their shelf until next year when we start all over again.


Happy Halloween.


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