Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
10.06.2018 (2346 days ago)


2346 days ago 14 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Waking up this morning I caught myself getting "up to speed" by checking my email and responding to some, looking at the weather, monitoring websites, etc.


It struck me how fast the pace of business and life has become. Activities for children are scheduled and parents race to keep them on time. In business, at any point during the say I'm answering one of my emails, getting on a conference call, writing copy among other tasks all at the same time. Everybody wants everything now.


I stopped myself and started making some oatmeal. The package says it will take 25-30 minutes on a stove top or in the microwave for 5. I chose to cook them traditionally...I can wait :-)

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