Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
05.16.2017 (2854 days ago)

Special Memories

Special Memories
2854 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


I carry them with me.

The oldest one is handwritten note from my grandfather. My grandparents gave me a watch for high school graduation and my grandfather wrote me a note on his special notepad telling me to think about him when I wore it.

When Jaclyn was 8 years old, she visited my office. I left her sitting at my desk for a few minutes and came back to a handwritten note thanking me for bringing her in and saying how much fun she was having “fileing”.

On green construction paper, Eric told me I was “the best mom and deserved a special day”. I carry that one too going back more than ten years.

I won’t bore you with excerpts from all of them. But I will share that my special memories are with me all the time.

Do you carry a special memory?

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