01.27.2020 (1868 days ago)

Speaking Out

Speaking Out
1868 days ago 20 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


This blog is not about politics. It’s about  the right-or the decision-to speak about politics.


  It’s now “awards season” in the entertainment industry. We have had the Golden Globe Awards, SAG Awards, and Grammys. At the beginning of the Golden Globe Awards host Ricky Gervais told the celebrities to without the political commentary from their speeches, as “no wanted to hear what they had to say.” Many of the award winners, such as Patricia Arquette and Michelle Williams, ignored his request and made political issues the focus of their speeches.


 A few weeks later, at the SAG awards honoree Robert DeNiro appeared to address Ricky Gervais’ admonitions directly by stating that many people believe celebrities should not use platforms such as these award shows to espouse their political agenda. De Niro stated that, on the other hand, as a celebrity he felt he has the obligation to use his notoriety to speak out and address these issues.


 Anyone who knows me knows where I stand politically with respect to the topics addressed by Williams, Arquette and De Niro. But this blog is not about that. I am uncertain how I feel about celebrities using award shows for their political agenda. I am tuning in to be entertained. Should their political discourses be part of that entertainment? How do you feel when a celebrity's "thank you speech" turns political?


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