Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives

Sound effected

Sound effected
872 days ago 8 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:Yamaha, iPhone, MacBook, New Riders of the Purple Sage, Felt Forum, Bluetooth

My office includes more than the usual accoutrements.  The same space includes my wardrobe in a dresser that was once dad's (really!) and a closet.  So when I wanted to change my garb and get ready for the day, I need to be there.  I was up early and my MacBook and other devices were all upstairs in the dining room "anticipating" a possible move to the outdoor office (a feature of several past commentaries in this space and which may be "closing" sooner than later until warmer weather becomes the norm again.).  I was streaming a 1973 New Riders of the Purple Sage concert at the Felt Forum on my iPhone (through my HomePod situated in our dining room).  I figured just bring it down to the office and connect it to the stereo; I have a connecting jack that I traditionally connect to the MacBook and its predecessor on my desk.  Simple, so I thought and not much to carry or setup.  But the iPhone has no jack input and I forget to bring the adapter for the lightning connection.  And then it dawns on me; one of the last times I used the Yamaha Stereo that I purchased almost five years ago to replace a failed unit I acquired only three years previously (after its predecessor amp lasting 36 years!) actually works via Bluetooth.  On my iPhone I searched the internet for the instructions to connect the Bluetooth.  Too easy; I do not think I ever noticed the Bluetooth "button" on the stereo's remote (Viewed in part in pic at left.).  Connection made! 

I subsequently connected the MacBook.  Guess it may be another wire bites the dust if I wish.  This feature will prove useful as my iPad uses the USB-c connection and no adapter in place here so Bluetooth is only means to use that device with the stereo.

Bluetooth connection

Imagine owning and enjoying something for nearly five years and not even using its full functionality in a few days before this commentary appears. 

My excitement at my "discovery" is reflected in this text to my son: I learned by chance I can connect next to my stereo via Bluetooth.  Very useful.  Amazing all these years I did not know."

As most know, every new day brings the possibility to learn something new; demonstrated here.

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