Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.15.2021 (1247 days ago)

Soon To Be World Famous

Soon To Be World Famous
1247 days ago 27 comments Categories: Games Tags:

We have a friend who is soon to be World famous.  His name is Guy deBoer (pictured) and he is endeavoring to fulfill his dream to be the first American to win the prestigious around the World Golden Globe, 30,000 mile, solo sail boat race.  

He will embark, single handed, next September from France on this nonstop race.  The race has been described as “One sailor, one boat facing the great oceans of the world”. 

The rules require no outside assistance and entrants can not use technology developed since the initial 1968 race.  Thus, he must navigate his 36 foot boat by the stars without the benefit of a GPS or other modern technology.  

Guy thinks he has the fastest boat and aspires to finish first in 200 lonely days. 

I have been on the boat and done what I can to support Guy and have shared his journey to this point.  Being up close, I have a premonition that he will succeed and once he does, I keep telling him, he will be World famous.  

Dreams can come true. Please join Guy in pursuing his dream!

Learn about the race by visiting

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