Crysti Farra
11.27.2024 (88 days ago)

Sometimes life hits fast and hard...

Sometimes life hits fast and hard...
88 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Just when you thought things were in cruise mode...BAAAMMM .... out of the blue life can deal you a wicked hand.


However, when this happens, you instantly know who your friends are.  The ones who support you and encourage you.  I have many such friends in Gotham.  I am also fortunate to have a very supportive family.  So in this instance, I was covered all the way around.


This is a short message, but I wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of those that showed up, be it by text, phone call, email or in person during this last few weeks while the world tried to serve me a curve ball (or 4).


Gotham is friends, Gotham is fellowship, Gotham is a helping hand...Gotham is LOVE!


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