Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
01.08.2017 (2978 days ago)

Sometimes In Winter - A Snow Day

Sometimes In Winter - A Snow Day
2978 days ago 21 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Snow, Basketball, Winder

I already played two hours of (basket)ball, enough of a workout for any day. I did not anticipate that hours later another workout loomed.


When I left early to drop off Shelly’s dad at a medical appointment before heading to the school to play, it snowed lightly. By the time a reached the school there was an inch covering the sidewalk. I was dressed to play, just needing to unzip my hoody (I brought jeans for after.) When we left we all needed to brush off our cars; I ran a few errands and came own and swept my walk and sidewalk.


Looking out the window to my yard, I noticed some birds on “hanging” on the barren tree branches.  I mused how it resembled the tranquil look of the compilation Poco LP, The Forgotten Trail (See "associated" image.).


So after dinner, I ventured outside to shovel. I follow my usual procedure. I create a linear path along the perimeter of the walk and the sidewalk; then I shovel towards my front yard. I mulled a moment about whether to call it a day; I decided to continue, to clear off Shelly’s car, then mine. A second workout.


So share how you reacted to the snow. Venture out? Shovel? Break out that snow blower? Use “child labor”? Paid labor? Make a snowman? Sleigh? Ski plans?



Or perhaps something else?


While you ponder a reply, listen up.

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