Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
06.07.2020 (1732 days ago)

Something old; Something new (soon)

Something old; Something new (soon)
1732 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:MacBook, Mets, Mariners, MLB,

The week just past I got to enjoy my outside office a bit more. Interestingly an important component failed midweek. My external monitor just went kaput. Fortunately, I had a temporary backup at hand. The week before Marisa asked me if I had an extra external monitor. I did but not on site. I was able to retrieve it before last weekend; I kept it deployed elsewhere (the photo upper left suggests it location) for when set up shop at client’s office nearby. It turned out the newer MacBooks required another adaptor (which we still need to obtain) so it was not like I misappropriated a device from my daughter. In any event, a replacement screen – same size as what I am working from in my office, is expected later this week. The larger screen while useful to handle multiple application also enable a better outdoor experience to enjoy various media. An example includes the recent simulation MLB Dream Bracket finals which featured the 1986 Mets v the 2001 Seattle Mariners (Mets won!); it would have been fun to view outside on a larger screen; perhaps the replay this afternoon. I mentioned some videos in my comment to Odey’s guest blog yesterday; perhaps a reprise view on a larger screen makes for a more concert-like experience; something I continue to miss. And of course we will order cable Marisa needs as well.

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