Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
10.14.2018 (2333 days ago)

Something Special

Something Special
2333 days ago 11 comments Categories: Music Tags:

I decided to play a playlist on our drive to a show last night.  I bring up my iTunes. Its not there.  Odd I thought. I’ll deal with it later.  I use Waze to help navigate different traffic situations, in part for the headsup, as I know my way around the City and then some.  My iPhone speaker is not functioning correctly with the otherwise helpful App so playing it through the car stereo makes it clearer; thus the need to play something in iTunes.  I selected another playlist which lasted almost the entire round trip. The last song we heard was Blue Sky; all that remained: two Stephen Stills songs, one from his first solo LP (not the one Friday’s blogger often cites when he attends Gotham group meets), and the other from his first Manassas LP.  It was a good setlist to play in the current news climate.

It never occurred to me until writing this commentary that another version of the “missing” playlist resided on my YouTube page.  Now I wonder if that version would have worked on the drive.  Something to check out on another drive.

The reason I selected the missing list in the first place involved the special celebration that eve. Dinner and a show.

We celebrated a special day (albeit a few days ahead) for Shelly.

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