Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
05.07.2017 (2860 days ago)

Something Special

Something Special
2860 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Theresa, TAPA, Theresa Academy


Gotham City Networking, Inc.® certainly connects its members (and others) for business and other reasons. The social parts remains secondary but that often forges the bases for the important business relations. We also might “join forces” on civic and non profit boards. In other cases we might get involved in some of the causes advanced by others. One of those that continues to impress me I blogged about in this space more than a year ago. Indeed, Shelly and I were glad to support Theresa Foundation and its Theresa Academy of Performing Arts (TAPA), along with several members of the tribe as this weekend began. Kudos to Susan and Vincent Russo for their tireless work in memory of their beautiful daughter.

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Posted By : hydrajet