Do you have it? We do in our house. Of course, we had soccer fever even before this year’s World Cup, as both my step-daughter and step-son are soccer players. Watching the U.S. play on the world stage has, so far, been incredible. Watching the U.S. finally beat Ghana, as a result of a goal scored by a sub was amazing.
Even Google has soccer fever. If you googled anything in the past week, you’ve seen the Google doodles depicting the World Cup. And, of course, with Google doodles comes controversy. The internet exploded last week when Google doodle depicted the word “Google” imbedded in a series of buildings called favelas-a term for slum in Brazil-as a symbol of the games (the letter “L” kicked a soccer ball against the side of the buildings). Google users immediately began expressing concerns about the doodle on Twitter, some calling it “poor taste” and others arguing that slums should not be used to celebrate the World Cup. Some users, however, jumped to Google’s defense, saying that soccer has long been a large part of the community in favelas and it's use was appropriate.
I have seen World Cup games on every television in every restaurant I have been in since the games began. The world seems to have soccer fever. Do you?
Posted By : hydrajet