08.14.2013 (4225 days ago)

Snow Jobs

Snow Jobs
4225 days ago 4 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

Last Thursday, after having numerous softball games cancelled for rain this season, we were pumped to play our final regular season game on the schedule.  The forecast was for possible showers all day and evening.  I trepidaciously took my son to the Mets game (courtesy of Vincent Russo & Associates, Elder Law Specialists - thanks again) and we barely had a drop of rain all day despite overcast skies and clouds.

I came home preparing to head out to play and got the text that all games had been cancelled, even though it hadn't rained yet.  They had cancelled the games on the expectation of rain.  The night continued on as had the day and nary more than a few drops of rain appeared.  I was devastated and even angry.

I used to rely on as gospel.  It was almost deadly accurate to the hour.  Over the past 5-7 years, I have joked that the weather peeps have given up on forecasting the weather and merely proclaim possible showers anytime there are clouds around.  I have decided that the only weather report worth my attention these days is what I'm seeing overhead with mine own eyes.

How do you handle the weather these days?

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