10.12.2015 (3434 days ago)

Snoozing. . .

Snoozing. . .
3434 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


I have a habit that drives my husband crazy; I am a snoozer. Every morning, I set my alarm clock for, at least, fifteen minutes before I have to get out of bed. Then, in the morning, I let the alarm clock go off and hit the snooze button, at least three times. Obviously, my snoozing habit wakes my husband up if he’s still sleeping.



My husband is not really a snoozer. He sets his alarm for the exact time he wants to get up and gets out of bed. As a doctor, my husband also tells me that snoozing is not really healthy for me. He tells me that uninterrupted sleep is better for you than interrupted sleep.



I know my husband is right. And every night I vow to change my habit. But the next morning, when the alarm goes off, my arm reaches out and hits the snooze button. Are you a snoozer?

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