Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
02.25.2023 (718 days ago)


718 days ago 10 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

Last week, in Cohasset MA, a facilities director found electrical wires, temporary duct work, and a bunch of computers that seemed out of place while checking the local school (Cohasset Middle/High School).


He reached out to the town’s IT director, who determined that it was a cryptocurrency mining operation unlawfully hooked up to the school’s electrical system.


As an FYI, Crypto mining, the process of validating cryptocurrency transactions and creating new cryptocurrency, consumes vast amounts of electricity. So much that some towns are building power stations just to fill the need.


After a three month investigation they found the guy and charged him. Apparently he was making good money because he had retired from his job over a year ago.


And now the town is paying a lot less for electric ;)


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