Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
10.08.2022 (834 days ago)

Snakes in the pants

Snakes in the pants
834 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

This story seemed unbelievable because why on earth would you smuggle snakes in your pants. It left me shaking my head...


Calvin Bautista, a 36 year old man from Queens, has been charged with smuggling three Burmese pythons in his pants at a U.S-Canadian border crossing.


He, allegedly, brought the hidden snakes on a bus that crossed into northern New York. Importation of Burmese pythons is regulated by an international treaty and by federal regulations listing them as “injurious to human beings.” He could spend up to 20 years in jail.


So it begs the question...what kind of pants was he wearing?


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