Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.04.2019 (1978 days ago)


1978 days ago 20 comments Categories: Health Tags:

The expression is “Let a smile be your umbrella” and it is profound.

To smile is to appear pleasant and agreeable.  That’s a powerful social tool.

A smile conveys feelings of happiness, hope and positivity to anyone who sees it.

When you smile, you are sending a nonverbal message to those around you that they are accepted,  welcome and that all is well.

Have you ever noticed that some people lead there way with a smile?  It usually works too.

Studies show that the best nonverbal technique one can use to appear more accommodating is to smile.

A smile is also a mood enhancer and makes you feel good.  I remember my running coach telling me that when I suffered a side stitch in a race I should smile to alleviate it and it worked.

I have also noticed when I take my blood pressure that it is lower when I smile through it.

Of course, photos are so much better when you say “cheese”. See above.

A smile builds trust!

As Nat King Cole sang: What’s the use of crying? You’ll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile...

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