Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
12.10.2016 (3012 days ago)

Smells good?

Smells good?
3012 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Kentucky Fried Chicken of New Zealand is offering their really loyal customers the chance to win a strange piece of merchandise: a scented candle. Not just any candle though. The iconic fried chicken joint posted to their FB page a fried chicken-scented candle bearing the image of the chain's Colonel Sanders logo.


This is not the first time KFC offered unusual merchandise. They have produced chicken-scented sunscreen, nail polish designed to taste like fried chicken, and a cellphone charging station built into a KFC box.


Gives pause to think of other places that might want to produce scented candles like the NYC Subway (for ex New Yorkers that want the smell of home:)


Maybe a Gotham candle...what would that smell like?

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Posted By : hydrajet