Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
04.18.2015 (3564 days ago)

Smashing it

Smashing it
3564 days ago 9 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

After a two year break, the world's largest atom smasher is about to enter uncharted territory.


The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a 17-mile-long (27 kilometers) underground ring in Geneva, Switzerland, revved up again last week at double its previous power. The humongous particle collider will now begin searching for elusive subatomic particles and quite possible a new dimension.


Yes...the higher-powered LHC may finally be able to test for the existence of extra dimensions, said Lisa Randall, a string theorist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Could you imagine...another dimension? What would that mean? There's another Gotham? Or maybe when I'm drinking my tea, there's another side to it...a different taste altogether.


What do you think exists in a new dimension?

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