10.02.2014 (3762 days ago)

Slowing Down

Slowing Down
3762 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Well, they seem to be working. The cameras in school zones that generate tickets for exceeding the school zone speed limit. There is one such zone on a road that I travel very frequently. After the initial onslaught of tickets, and the publicity about the cameras, motorists being caught unaware and early flaws resulting in many, many unwarranted tickets being sent out (and then dismissed), it seems that people in my neighborhood are getting the message.
I've followed cars going 10 miles per hour below the  30 mile per hour reduced speed. They certainly got the message.
But what is the message? Slow down so you don't get a ticket in the mail or slow down because there may be children crossing to school?
Forgive me for my skepticism, but local budgets are being balanced on the expected revenue from these cameras -- and the company that installed the cameras gets 38% of the ticket collections.
Don't get me wrong. I like the fact that drivers are mindful of where schools are and slow down. And if one accident with a child is prevented, its all worthwhile.... but something is still terribly wrong.

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