Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
01.23.2015 (3699 days ago)


3699 days ago 13 comments Categories: Health Tags:

According to Wikipedia, sleep is a naturally recurring state characterized
by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity and inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles.

Wikipedia goes on to say that during sleep, most systems are in an altered anabolic state accentuating the growth and rejuvenation of the immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems.

So that's why I get so tired at around 9:30 at night and feel better in the morning. No wonder it is prudent to "sleep on it" when one must make an important decision.

8 hours sleep is reputed to be the optimal amount of rejuvenating slumber. I try for 8, but I get up without an alarm to take Charcoal out around 5:15. So i fit in the 7 hour range.

6 hours seem to be my minimal operating bed rest.

Gothamite Scott Bloom (Co Chair of the Real Estate Group) is reputed to get by on far less than the average person and in this way he has something in common with Bill Clinton.

I could go on and on about this fascinating subject but I fear I am putting you to sleep.

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