I was reminded the other day how often my family just breaks into song.
We always have, and most often really ridiculous silly songs sometimes even made up – or, in the alternative a good old fashioned show tune.
I grew up on show tunes. We were a big musical family (we still are). I woke up every Saturday morning to my dad playing his favorite musical score on one of those vinyl albums carefully snuggled in his Victrola. [How badly have I dated myself?]
So, it was not really a surprise when the man that I married was also a show tune fan – and to my surprise, he knew a whole host of scores that I had never heard. We were a match made in heaven – or Broadway.
And then we had children and on and on.
I say – pick your favorite song and sing out loud. It doesn’t matter who may hear you or chime in. It just feels good.