Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.02.2020 (1621 days ago)

Silver Linings

Silver Linings
1621 days ago 28 comments Categories: Health Tags:

I believe it is more than the survival instinct or rationalization that causes me to seek out and see silver linings in this depressing time of horrible pandemic.

Do you see any silver linings?

I see many.  Some are small steps, some should have happened before and some are seismic shifts, but all are moves in a positive direction.

One obvious and vivid to me is that many (but not all) people have stopped dying their hair and are letting it grow out in all its beautiful glory!  An example is my friend Leda pictured.

To me, that’s a true silver lining!

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A silver lining for me has been more communication with my siblings. We’ve also started a weekly Zoom gathering with extended family where we share viewpoints on current events or something we’ve all read.

Posted By : Leda Andrews